
Are you an online casino wishing to list your services on Casino Cash Vault?

To qualify for advertising, you must:

1. Be a licensed online casino business.

2. Have a good overall reputation.

3. Offer our members an exclusive and generous bonus(es). The bonuses offered may be no deposit bonuses, deposit bonuses, free spins offers or something different altogether. Your exclusive bonus offer must be made available for at least 1 year from when it is approved for listing.

In exchange, we will showcase your bonus offer on our homepage for a minimum of 3 days and will keep it live on our website for a minimum period of 1 year. Additionally, your bonus offer will be emailed to all members upon approval. Visitors will be given a limited opportunity to see your bonus codes and click your hyperlinks.

Once your first bonus offer is approved for listing, you will be able to submit bonus offers on a regular basis via dedicated login. All bonus posts are subject to moderation and may be edited or rejected.

4. Be willing to have public comment (both positive and negative) posted beneath your casino bonus post. All comments will be moderated prior to being published. We cannot be held liable for publicly posted comments or feedback. We may consult with you prior to allowing a comment to be published and will exercise care and discretion prior to publishing a comment. You can ask us to review comments you feel are unjust or unfair and we will consider your request but unfortunately cannot make any guarantees.

We assess each advertising opportunity and bonus offer on a case-by-case bases and give no guarantee of listing or outcome.

The terms of this offer may change from time to time. Any changes will be detailed on this page.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss advertising further.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


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