Basic Craps Part 4


In our fourth Casino Cash Vault’s Casino School lesson on Craps, we look at the proposition bets. These are the bets located in the section of the layout closest to the stickman.  The proposition bets attract a lot of action due to the high payouts. The house edge is very high on the proposition bets and they are not considered good bets.

There are     single roll bets.

Any Seven – A bet that a seven will be rolled on the next roll. Pays 4 to 1.

Any Craps – A bet that the next number rolled will be two, three or 12. Pays 7 to 1.

Craps 2 – A bet that the next number rolled will be a two or “snake eyes” Pays 30 to 1.

Craps 3 – A bet that the next number rolled will bet a three. Pays 15 to 1.

Craps 12 – A bet that the next number rolled will be 12 or “midnight” or “boxcars”. Pays 30 to 1.

Eleven – A bet that the next number rolled will be 11. Eleven is called “yo” at the craps table to avoid confusion with the number 7. Pays 15 to 1.

Horn Bet – A bet that one of four numbers; 2, 3, 12 or 11 will be rolled next. Players often make a $5 bet on the horn. Three of the numbers will have a $1 bet and one number will have a $2 wager. The number with the $2 wager is called “Horn High”.  Players indicate which number is high when they place their bet by telling the dealer “Horn High Yo”, “Horn High Midnight” “Horn High Snake Eyes” or “Horn High 3”.  The payouts vary based on which number is rolled.

C & E – This stands for Craps (2, 3, and 12) and Eleven. These bets have the same payouts as the corresponding bets on the inside. Many players make this bet on the come out roll and therefore the bets are placed in the small circles to indicate they are working on the come out.

The Hard Ways

There are four hard way bets listed above the proposition bets; the 4, 6, 8 and 10. A hard way bet wins when the number is hit hard, meaning 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 or 5-5. The bet loses if a 7 is rolled or if the number is thrown any other way.  The four and ten pay 7 to 1; the six and eight pay 9 to 1. (Some layouts will list the payouts as 8 for 1 or 10 for 1. This is the same payout just a different way of expressing it.)

The following table shows the payouts and house edge for the Hard way and Proposition Bets.

Bet Payout House Edge
Any Seven 4 to 1 16.7%
Any Craps 7 to 1 11.1%
Craps 2 30 to 1 13.9%
Craps 3 15 to 1 11.1%
Craps 12 30 to 1 13.9%
Eleven (Yo) 15 to 1 11.1%
Hard 4 7 to 1 11.1%
Hard 6 9 to 1 9.1%
Hard 8 9 to 1 9.1%
Hard 10 7 to 1 11.1%


In our next installment of Casino Cash Vault’s Casino School we will look at paying “the dark side.”
